Οn average, every month, we support 180 community members with access to protection services.
A. Support with Living Costs:
We provide refugee and asylum-seeking women who are not eligible to receive state-provided cash assistance with access to food and personal hygiene items.
B. Holistic Support related to Protection for our beneficiaries and members of their families:
We provide refugee and asylum-seeking women and their family members with holistic support for needs related to protection.
A vast number of refugees and asylum-seekers found themselves marginalized and excluded from the system, with no access to primary social protection provisions, including access to food and other necessities, safe housing, healthcare, medication, psychological support, and valid information.
We provide essential support regularly to community members and entire families, which otherwise they could not have accessed, responding to every need related to the protection they have.
C. Emergency Interventions related to Protection:
We conduct interventions related to:
- Access to medication: we cover the costs of medicines for emergency cases or for community members who suffer from chronic illnesses and do not have the means to purchase their medication.
- Access to healthcare: we cover the costs of private medical appointments when women cannot access the public sector. For example, when they do not have an AMKA – social insurance number – they cannot visit public hospitals, or public hospitals do not accept appointments due to the pandemic.
- Support to GBV cases: our organization is an integral part of the protection plan for GBV cases, as designed and implemented by specialized actors. We provide victims with our support for anything vital for their safety, including covering costs for safe accommodation, providing mobile devices and phone credit, covering transport costs, and providing interpretation.
- Safe Transportation: we ensure safe transportation for community members in cases of emergency.
The interventions conducted by our organization are not limited to the above list. This list includes standard provisions we are called to support regularly.